Third Time’s a Charm???

Sunset arriving in Tulsa. It is beautiful. Until I walk through the sweltering, damp heat to the rental car.  I am sure I am destined to drown in the humidity. Get to the window and wouldn’t you know it? There is a line. I stand there and sweat. Ask politely for a car with Bluetooth. Get a rocking minivan. 

This morning I wake up exceptionally early. I do not have to be at work until two, and I am up before seven. 

Finally, it’s time to head out to work. I’m nervous and probably should not have eaten Jack in the Box for lunch. I just love fried lettuce. I can’t help myself. 

Get to work, find the right building, and walk in for my appointment. Training on the EMR. This seems to be rather simple. I’m relieved. This is one of the hardest parts of working this way. Lots of new programs to learn. New docs and nurses. So many names and new hallways. I always feel a little overloaded and lost for a couple of weeks. 

I am never sure how much to talk. I have a tendency to either babble or sit in sullen (not intentionally) silence. This new doc seems pretty cool. 

I follow a gregarious NP. He really cracks me up. It is such a relief to be around friendly people. At my last job, I was shunned a little at first. This is so much better. 

I watch these providers carefully, sizing up their professional interactions and monitor their sense of humor. I need people who don’t take themselves too seriously. I like work to be fun. This job is hard enough without the added stress of working with pompous assholes. 

Listening to patient/ provider interactions and I feel like I could work here. I am finally back in a world where I know what to expect. Critical care just makes sense to me. The providers seem to balance the work fairly among each other. I feel like they work well as a mutually respectful team. 

This is what I have been missing. I think I am going to enjoy this assignment. I appreciate how everyone is welcoming me into the mix.

Honestly, I wish I had come here six months ago. I know it has only been one day, and it was a “easy” night, but I like the atmosphere. Perhaps the third time is a charm. We shall see. 

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